U S Army Air Force/8th Air Force/2nd Air Division/14th Bomb Wing/492nd Bomb Group (Heavy)
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Hamilton 32nd CCTS Crew 1033
Hamilton 32nd CCTS Crew 1033 Summary
The Hamilton Crew went through their CCTS (Combat Crew Training School) with the 32nd CCTS at Davis-Monthan Air Field in Tucson, Arizona. They were one of the first crews transferred to the 492nd in Alamogordo, New Mexico on 5 Jan 44.
We aren't sure what of make of the fate of this crew. On the flyover roster, half of this crew flew under 1st Lt Ogden as Crew 606 with Hamilton as co-pilot. So assumption could be made that Snavely had demoted him to serve a more experienced pilot. But beginning with the group's second mission, Hamilton was flying as an aircraft commander and went on to complete 30 missions. His crew is unknown to us. Ogden was also flying missions as an aircraft commander.
We did read in the Happy Warrior a small note from Alex Casaday who mentioned he was in the Ogden Crew. Therefore we are currently going under the assumption that Ogden took over half of Hamilton's CCT crew and that Hamilton kept the other half or got a whole new crew.
More Info
Ogden Crew 606
Original Roster
Hamilton CCTS Crew 1033
Name Rank Serial # Notes
MOS 1024
Hamilton, Wilfred L 2nd Lt O-810143 Reassignment unknown.
Winn, Lawrence W 2nd Lt O-8163877 Reassignment unknown.
MOS 1034
Dicher, Lester 2nd Lt O-699145 Assigned to the 856th BS, Ogden Crew 606.
MOS 1035
Williams, William A 2nd Lt O-696529 Assigned to the 856th BS, Ogden Crew 606.
MOS 748
Brown, Kenneth P Sgt 35601176 Assigned to the 856th BS, Ogden Crew 606.
MOS 757
Ostrowski, Raymond C Sgt 32672346 Reassignment unknown.
Hutton, Willie G Sgt 18218127 Reassignment unknown.
MOS 748
Casaday, Alex M Jr Sgt 34703431 Assigned to the 856th BS, Ogden Crew 606.
MOS 612
Doepker, Robert E Pfc 19124571 Assigned to the 856th BS, Ogden Crew 606.
Schrage, Robert J Pvt 12065730 Reassignment unknown.
492ndBombGroup.com — an Arnett Institute project
Page last modified Tuesday, June 6, 2006.